Naomi Morley

Naomi Morley

Research Associate

  • Patient and Public Involvement group member


Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement


I am a Research Associate in the PenARC Patient and Public involvement team, supporting the coordination of effective involvement and engagement of patients and public members in the ‘Children’s Health & Maternity’, as well as the ‘Ageing, Dementia and Frailty’, priority programme.

My background is in dementia care and stroke rehabilitation, working for a number of years as a support worker for the NHS and the Stroke Association, before studying Medical Sciences and supporting a number of frailty studies.

Other team members

Rebecca Summers

Rebecca Summers

Postgraduate Research Associate
Lauren Asare

Lauren Asare

Graduate Research Assistant
Tanya Hynd

Tanya Hynd

Patient and Public Involvement Co-ordinator
Dr Kristin Liabo

Dr Kristin Liabo

Associate Professor
Kate Boddy

Kate Boddy

Research Fellow